My journey began early, with a childhood love of drawing and all things creative. After graduating from Ringling School of Art and Design (Sarasota, FL) with a Bachelor of Arts in Illustration, my 20-plus year career path led me first to Funnybone Interactive in Canton, CT which was a highly regarded developer of high-end educational software products. After refining my design skills there, I was fortunate to be hired by Lenox-based ad agency powerhouse, Winstanley Partners, which afforded me the opportunity to work on many traditional marketing elements as well as cutting-edge digital solutions. My next stop was Albany, NY with ADG Communications where I served as the Web Projects Manager focused on delivering award-winning websites as part of their Creative Services team. These wonderful experiences, along with my “nose to the grindstone” work ethic, has brought me to my latest adventure – owning my own business.
My skills and experience grew dramatically during my time at Winstanley Partners – working with nationally known clients such as Smith & Wesson, Spalding Sports Worldwide, John Wiley & Sons and McGraw Hill Education. I was also fortunate to work with many outstanding local organizations including 1Berkshire, Berkshire County Sheriff’s Office and Berkshire Design. In fact, I continue to manage hosting, maintenance, and ongoing support for these clients.
After Winstanley closed in 2017, I was asked to join a partnership of two former company employees to create the firm Constructique, which was focused on serving the needs of Winstanley’s former clients. Together, we delivered many terrific solutions. However, I soon discovered that I could be more effective as an independent web professional and designer, focused more on strong project management, which over time had become one of my core strengths. One of the most underrated aspects of web development is keeping everything and everyone on track and getting websites launched. During my time in Lenox, I had become known as the person who could “get things done”, which is a label I continue to wear proudly today!
During this time of transition, I began working part-time with ADG Communications (a 25-year-old non-profit, association management company in Albany). I had missed working in a team environment and knew that I could help them in many ways. As an artist and former running enthusiast, I knew I had to stay in motion. Along the way, I have found constant inspiration and have continued to learn, grow, and pursue my love of digital design and getting things done.
At that point, H Terry Designs was formed. I began reaching out to past clients and colleagues, telling them of the good news. I’ve found this to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’m honored to have worked with so many amazing people and wonderful clients and I’m focused on sharing with them the experience I’ve gained over the years. I’m now focusing my energy and creative passion towards becoming a prominent woman-owned business thriving in the Berkshires.